465 documents
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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

9957Man wearing a quilted hat

9958Man wearing a hat

9962Man wearing a quilted, fur-lined hat

9963Man wearing a quilted, fur-lined hat

9964Man wearing a fur hat

9965Man wearing a fur-lined hat

9966Man wearing a quilted, fur-lined hat

9969Man wearing a quilted hat

9978Man with wheelbarrow load of baskets in street

9979Man leaning against a trishaw in a street

9980Man carrying buckets suspended from a shoulder pole

9981Mat mender seated next to box of tools and reeds

9982Mat mender seated next to box of tools and reeds

9983Mat mender with tools and reeds repairing a basket with signs in background

10038Man, boy, and woman weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10039Man weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10040Man weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10057Man tending a vegetable bed

10058Man raking a vegetable bed

10063Man with a rickshaw loaded with vegetables

10064Man pulling a rickshaw

10065Man sitting on a rickshaw at a rickshaw stand

10066Man with a rickshaw

10068Man with two rickshaws

10073Man watering vegetables in a field

10074Man carrying a load of root vegetables

10075Man carrying a load of root vegetables

10076Man leading horse-drawn cart loaded with a tree down a street

10081Man holding a toggle and a pipe

10082Man cooking at a stove in front of a mat shed next to fields

10083Man cooking at a stove in front of a mat shed next to fields

10128Moat, wall, gate with double-eaved roof, and corner watchtower of the Forbidden City

10441Muslim food stand and sign advertizing halal food

10461Man loading sacks onto a bicycle

10462Man riding bicycle loaded with sacks

10585Man lifting a bucket of water out of a well

10586Man raising a bucket from a well with a hand crank

10587Man pulling a bucket of water from a well with a rope

10588Man brushing the surface of a grindstone

10589Man turning a grindstone

10590Man with baskets working at a grindstone

10591Man with a bucket at a well

10594Man weaving a basket

10595Man weaving a basket

10596Man and woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10597Man and woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10599Man splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10601Man weaving a door curtain

10602Man weaving a door curtain

10603Man weaving a door curtain

10616Man raking grain

10619Men raking grain

10637Muslim candy vendor with cart and copper sign

10638Muslim candy vendor with cart and copper sign

10688Man and boys with rakes standing next to a cart in a fishing village on the Shandong coast1937

10692Man at work amidst buckets and vessels in a fishing village on the Shandong coast1937

10694Man holding a sieve in a barrel in a fishing village on the Shandong coast1937

10697Man raking drying fish in a fishing village on the Shandong coast1937

10698Man standing next to covered stone ovens in a fishing village on the Shandong coast1937

10699Man holding sacks of produce in a fishing village on the Shandong coast1937
465 results (1/8 pages)     12345678       
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© 2012/2017 IrAsia - Projet Director: Feng Yi
Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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