2640 documents
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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

9987Tracery candy vendor with stove and stand suspended from a shoulder pole

9988Tracery candy maker at his stand heating candy on a stove

9989Tracery candy vendor at his stand heating candy on a stove

9990Tracery candy vendor pouring candy onto a marble slab

9991Street vendor sitting and writing next to wares and sign

9992Street vendor sitting and writing next to wares and sign

10006Doorway with auspicious couplets and carved door stones

10034People weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10035People weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10036Woman weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10037Woman weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10038Man, boy, and woman weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10039Man weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10040Man weaving a mat at a mat-making shop






10057Man tending a vegetable bed

10058Man raking a vegetable bed

10062City street with produce stand and bicycle and rickshaw traffic

10063Man with a rickshaw loaded with vegetables

10064Man pulling a rickshaw

10065Man sitting on a rickshaw at a rickshaw stand

10066Man with a rickshaw

10067Street with rickshaw puller and pedestrians

10068Man with two rickshaws

10069Hawker carrying his wares

10070Blacksmith with a donkey tied to posts for shoeing

10073Man watering vegetables in a field

10074Man carrying a load of root vegetables

10075Man carrying a load of root vegetables

10076Man leading horse-drawn cart loaded with a tree down a street

10077Uprooted tree with bound roots on at the edge of a street

10081Man holding a toggle and a pipe

10082Man cooking at a stove in front of a mat shed next to fields

10083Man cooking at a stove in front of a mat shed next to fields

10084Farmworkers eating

10085Farmworker smoking a pipe

10086Farmworker smoking a pipe

10087Shop signs for a pastry shop

10088Shop signs for a pastry shop

10089Shop signs for a pawnshop

10090Shop sign for a condiment shop

10091Shop signs for a condiment shop

10092Store fronts showing shop signs for hemp products (left), unidentified goods (center), and peanut oil (right)

10093Shop sign for a soap shop

10094Shop signs for a soap shop

10095Shop signs for a soap shop

10096Shop signs for a shop that sells coiffure frames

10097Shop signs for shops that sell coiffure frames and wooden combs

10098Shop signs for a shop that sells coiffure frames

10099Shop signs for a shop that sells coiffure frames

10100Shop signs for a soap shop

10105Forbidden City seen from Jingshan Gong Yuan

10110Forbidden City seen from Jingshan Gong Yuan

10121View from Tian an men showing Waijinshui Qiao, marble lions and hua biao, and Yu Lu with Qian men in background

10128Moat, wall, gate with double-eaved roof, and corner watchtower of the Forbidden City

10168South facade of Tai he dian
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© 2012/2017 IrAsia - Projet Director: Feng Yi
Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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