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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

10837Baker tending an oven while making sesame cakes in a bakery

10838Cook working at a stove

10839Bakery workers eating a meal in a bakery

10840Restaurant interior showing a man eating at a table

10841Restaurant interior showing a man eating at a counter and the proprietor

10842Restaurant interior showing a man working in a kitchen

10843Kitchen interior showing a chef throwing bean cakes into boiling water

10844Restaurant interior showing a chef working with dough to make oil cakes

10845Restaurant interior showing a chef cooking noodles

10846Restaurant interior showing a chef brushing water over dough to make shao bing

10847Restaurant interior showing a chef working with dough to make oil cakes

10848Restaurant interior showing a man chopping food with a cleaver

10849Restaurant interior showing a chef frying food in a wok

10850Restaurant interior showing an assistant watching a chef seasoning food

10851Restaurant interior showing a chef dishing food into bowls from a wok

10852Kitchen interior showing a boy frying oil cakes in a wok

10853Kitchen interior showing a man cutting dough into pieces to make oil cakes

10854Kitchen interior showing a man cutting dough into pieces to make oil cakes

10855Kitchen interior showing a man lengthening pieces of dough to make oil cakes

10856Kitchen interior showing a man stretching dough to make oil cakes

10857Kitchen interior showing a man coating dough with sesame seeds to make ma bing

10858Kitchen interior showing a man shaping dough to make ma bing

10859Kitchen interior showing a baker putting a ma bing into an oven

10860Kitchen interior showing a baker at an oven holding a ma bing

10861Kitchen interior showing a baker at an oven holding a pan with a ma bing

10862Kitchen interior showing a basket of ma bing

10863Woman and man at work in a metal-working shop

10864Woman holding a child in a metal-working shop

10865Man at work in a metal-working shop

10866Man at work in a metal-working shop

10867Man at work in a metal-working shop

10868Man working on a piece of cut metal in a metal-working shop

10869Man at work on a metal vessel in a metal-working shop

10870Man at work on a metal vessel in a metal-working shop

10871Man at work on a metal vessel in a metal-working shop

10872Man at work in a tofu-making shop next to a reed water bucket and a bamboo money tube

10873Men working with a mule hitched to a press in a tofu-making shop

10874Man with a pumpkin-shell ladle working over a vat in a tofu-making shop

10875Man emptying a bucket of bean curds into a vat in a tofu-making shop

10876Man at work in a tofu-making shop

10877Man stirring the contents of a vat in a tofu-making shop

10878Man filling a basket with tofu in a tofu-making shop

10879Man cutting tofu in a tofu-making shop

10880Man making an arrow in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10881Man making an arrow in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10882Man making an arrow in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10883Man at work in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10884Man at work in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10885Man making a bow in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10886Man making a bow in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10887Man making a bow in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10888Man making a bow in a bow-and-arrow-making shop

10889Men at work in a brush-making shop

10890Man preparing fur in a brush-making shop

10891Man at work in a brush-making shop

10892Man at work in a brush-making shop

10893Man at work in a brush-making shop

10894Man at work in a brush-making shop

10895Man at work in a brush-making shop

10896Man at work in a brush-making shop
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© 2012/2017 IrAsia - Projet Director: Feng Yi
Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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