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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

10573Garlic vendor with baskets of braided garlic hanging from a shoulder pole

10693Girl with a tree branch leaning on storage vessels in a fishing village on the Shandong coast1937

10744Gate and wall of stone, brick, and decorative tile in a village on the Shandong coast1937

10911Grain merchant at a desk calculating with an abacus and writing in an acount book

10912Grain merchant measuring grain with a scale in his shop

10939Gourd-shaped embroidered bag with beads

10959Gourd-shaped bag embroidered with a landscape scene

10960Gourd-shaped bag embroidered with a landscape scene

10965Gourd-shaped bag embroidered with geometric designs

11098Group of former palace eunuchs at Gang Tie miao

11102Gate with relief panels at Gang Tie miao

11339Gate at Wan shan dian

11617Gate at the south end of Danbi Qiao

11661Girl with basket and scythe in a field

11662Girl with basket and rake

11873Girl watching female artist painting

12041General view of Lion Valley showing Yi li miao, Xu mi fu shou miao, Pu tuo zong cheng miao (center) and Da Fo si (right)1934

12079General view of Qingchui Peak with Yi li miao below, Pu luo si (right), and Re River1934

12083General view of Yi li miao showing Pu du dian, walls, and two gates1934

12799Guides watching a donkey ford the river in the Jumahe Valley1936

12804Guides and donkeys on the trail through the Jumahe Valley1936

12805Guides and donkeys on the trail through the Jumahe Valley1936

12854Girl performing at Tianqiao Market

12855Girl watching man making paper-cuts



12873Girl with hair ornament

12878Girl with hair ornaments and jewelry

12879Girl with hair ornament

12882Girl holding a child







12896Girl from the "Lost Tribe" country1936


12900Girl with hair ornament


12917Girl wearing hair ornaments


12922Girl with hair ornament


12953Girl wearing hair ornament


13134Glazed-tile sacrificial stove in second courtyard at Chang ling

17636Goldsmith and Gold Bare Broker


17670Glass Beads

17689Glass Toys

18068Glutinous Rice Cake Peddler

18095Gourd Beater

18192Gate God Peddler

18359Gold Fish vendor

18449Goods to play

18969God of Wealth Temple

18971Girl in Cloak

24516Guang'an gate 01

24517Guang'an gate 02
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Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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