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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

9892Western end of Dashalan Street showing gate, shop signs, rickshaw puller, and pedestrians

9952Woman holding child wearing a hat with appliqué work

9968Woman and child wearing an embroidered hat

9970Woman and child wearing an embroidered hat

9971Woman and child wearing an embroidered hat

9976Woman and child wearing an embroidered hat

9977Woman and child wearing an embroidered hat

10036Woman weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10037Woman weaving a mat at a mat-making shop

10357Wan chun ting seen from Qi wang lou

10432Workman in a shop

10598Woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10600Woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10604Workers threshing grain

10605Workers threshing grain

10606Worker bundling sheaves of grain

10607Worker loading cabbages into baskets

10617Woman pouring grain into a basket

10797Work bench with tools and parts for making wooden cart wheels at a wheel-making shop

10863Woman and man at work in a metal-working shop

10864Woman holding a child in a metal-working shop

10907Woman using wooden tweezers to place food in a bird cage at a bird market

10968Woman working on an embroidered bag in the form of an insect

10991Woman and child with a piece of molded candy on a bamboo stick

11007Woman making chenille souvenirs outdoors at a table next to a camel

11008Woman who makes chenille flowers

11009Woman with tweezers making a chenille souvenir

11010Woman shaping a chenille souvenir with tweezers

11011Woman making chenille souvenirs

11012Woman adding peacock feathers to a souvenir made of chenille

11013Woman tying peacock feathers to a chenille souvenir

11080Woman making a maize straw cushion

11081Woman twisting husks to make a braided maize straw cushion

11082Woman wrapping twisted husks around her thumb to make a maize straw cushion

11083Woman wrapping twisted husks around her thumb to make a maize straw cushion

11084Woman forming a loop of twisted husks to make a maize straw cushion

11085Woman beginning to braid twisted husks to make a maize straw cushion

11086Woman braiding a maize straw cushion

11087Woman forming a spiral braid of twisted husks to make a maize straw cushion

11088Woman forming a spiral braid of twisted husks to make a maize straw cushion

11250Women in a horse-drawn carriage following a coffin in a funeral procession

11317Wedding altar with food and lanterns and banners

11318Wedding procession with sedan chair in courtyard

11325Wedding procession with sedan chair in courtyard

11328Wan shan dian and Qian sheng dian in the snow

11639West gate seen from the terrace of Qi nian dian

11667Woman sitting with a child in a baby carriage

11907Woman spinning cotton outdoors

11908Woman spinning cotton outdoors

12206Woman and child watching a furniture maker working on a table

12408West Peak of Hua Mountain1935

12621Wall with relief work in slanting pattern called zhen ta ke jai and moon gate at Nanhai Gong Yuan

12689Woman wearing earrings and a striped shirt in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]1936

12691Woman wearing earrings in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]1936

12692Woman wearing earrings in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]1936

12693Woman wearing earrings in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]1936

12694Woman wearing earrings in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]1936

12700Woman on a village street with houses and stone walls in Lost Tribe country1936

12733Woman with teapot hairstyle and earrings in the Lost Tribe country1936

12734Woman with teapot hairstyle and earrings in the Lost Tribe country1936
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Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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