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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

10563Itinerant vendor with bag of tobacco pipes

10564Itinerant vendor with bag of tobacco pipes

10565Household goods vendor striking a musical instrument called a pao

10566Household goods vendor striking a musical instrument called a pao

10567Household goods vendor pushing his cart

10568Itinerant shoe repairman repairing a shoe

10569Itinerant shoe repairman with case and tools repairing a shoe

10570Itinerant shoe repairman repairing a shoe

10571Itinerant vendor striking a drum called a xiao gu

10572Street vendor sitting next to his wares

10573Garlic vendor with baskets of braided garlic hanging from a shoulder pole

10574Ironware vendor striking a pot to attract customers

10575Household goods vendor with his wares loaded onto a shoulder carrying pole

10576Rice candy vendor with baskets of rice candy suspended from shoulder pole

10577Rice fields

10585Man lifting a bucket of water out of a well

10586Man raising a bucket from a well with a hand crank

10587Man pulling a bucket of water from a well with a rope

10588Man brushing the surface of a grindstone

10589Man turning a grindstone

10590Man with baskets working at a grindstone

10591Man with a bucket at a well

10592Horse drawing water from a well to irrigate a field

10593Horse drawing water from a well to irrigate a field

10594Man weaving a basket

10595Man weaving a basket

10596Man and woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10597Man and woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10598Woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10599Man splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10600Woman splitting reeds at a mat-making shop

10601Man weaving a door curtain

10602Man weaving a door curtain

10603Man weaving a door curtain

10604Workers threshing grain

10605Workers threshing grain

10606Worker bundling sheaves of grain

10607Worker loading cabbages into baskets

10616Man raking grain

10617Woman pouring grain into a basket

10619Men raking grain

10620Hawker selling fur ear muffs

10621Vendor selling small round mats

10622Vender selling artificial flowers

10623Street vendor at his food stand selling candied fruit called tang hu lu

10624Street vendor hawking candied fruit called tang hu lu from a pole stand

10625Street vendor hawking candied fruit called tang hu lu from a pole stand

10626Street vendor hawking cigarettes and candied fruit called tang hu lu from a basket

10627Street vendor hawking cigarettes and candied fruit called tang hu lu from a basket

10628Street barber with his equipment

10629Ear-cleaner with swabs, coat hangers, and back scratchers

10630Ear-cleaner with swabs and back-scratchers

10631Family pulling two carts in the street

10632Horse-drawn carts in a street

10633Street with donkey cart, rickshaws, and bicycles

10634Boy with basket collecting waste paper

10635Small wheeled cart passing person sitting curbside with baskets

10636Copper sign of a Muslim candy vendor

10637Muslim candy vendor with cart and copper sign

10638Muslim candy vendor with cart and copper sign
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© 2012/2017 IrAsia - Projet Director: Feng Yi
Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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