filter by Title A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [all]
14 | De Pékin à Shanghaï, souvenirs de voyages Year: 1871 Author(s): Buissonnet, Eugène |
30 | Beiping lu xing zhi nan 北平旅行指南 Year: 1935 Author(s): Ma, Zhixiang 馬芷庠 |
44 | Beiping ming sheng you lan di tu 北平名勝遊覽地圖 Year: 1948 Author(s): Shao,Yuechong 邵越崇 |
49 | Information for travellers visiting Peking Year: 1920 |
58 | Year: 1924 |
108 | Beiping lu you bian lan 北平旅遊便覽 Year: 1934 Author(s): Bei Ning tie lu guan li ju 北寧鐵路管理局 |
119 | Year: 1876 |
146 | Year: 1921 Author(s): Mothers' Club of Peking |
228 | Shou du xin sheng huo yun dong gai kuang 首都新生活運動概況 Year: 1935 Author(s): Shou du xin sheng huo yun dong cu jin hui 首都新生活運動促進會 |
263 | Prices, wages, and the standard of living in Peking, 1900-1924 Year: 1926 Author(s): Gamble, Sidney David; Meng, Tʻien-pʻei |
264 | How Chinese families live in Peiping Year: 1933 Author(s): Gamble, Sidney David |
265 | Year: 1936 Author(s): Arlington, L C; Lewisohn, William |
266 | The adventures of Wu : the life cycle of a Peking man Year: 1951 Author(s): Lowe, H Y 盧興源 |
267 | Calls, sounds and merchandise of the Peking street peddlers Year: 1936 Author(s): Constant, Samuel Victor |
268 | Year: 1926 Author(s): Crane, Louise |
269 | Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs Year: 1923 Author(s): Cormack, J.G. |
270 | Year: 1935 Author(s): Cormack, J.G. |
271 | Chinese birthday, wedding, funeral, and other customs Year: 1927 Author(s): Cormack, J.G. |
272 | The diplomatic Quarter in Peiping Year: 1934 Author(s): Chu, Chin-Chen |
273 | Year: 1924 Author(s): Sirén, Osvald |
274 | The Shop signs of Peking 燕都商榜圖 Year: 1931 Author(s): Fung, H.K. |
275 | Year: 1927 Author(s): Swallow, Robert William |
276 | Peking; a historical and intimate description of its chief places of interest Year: 1922 Author(s): Bredon, Juliet |
277 | A collection of shop signs of China Year: 1948 Author(s): Chiang, H.F. |
278 | Peiping municipality and the diplomatic quarter Year: 1933 Author(s): Duncan, Robert Moore |
279 | Peiping and North China; information and illustrations of the important places to see Year: 193 Author(s): Gum, Peter; Gum, Bertha |
280 | Social life of the Chinese (in Peking) Year: 1928 Author(s): Lynn, Jermyn Chi-Hung |
281 | The years that were fat (Peking:1933-1940) Year: 1947 Author(s): Kates, George N |
282 | The household accounts of two Chinese families Year: 1931 Author(s): Gamble Sidney D. |
283 | Year: 1921 Author(s): Gamble, Sidney D.; Burgess, John Stewart |
284 | Year: 1942 Author(s): Andō, Kōsei 更生安藤 |
286 | Xiu zhen Beijing Bei lan 袖珍北京備覽 Year: 1924 Author(s): Yao, Zhuxuan 姚祝萱 |
315 | Year: 1925 Author(s): Gugong bo zu yuan 故宫博物院 |
321 | Year: 1938 Author(s): Beijing te bie shi gong shu 北京特别市公署 Abstract: 本书以为北京建都始于辽太宗会同元年(938年),至民国二十六年(1937年)为北京建都一千年。书中按时间顺序,排列辽、金、元、明、清各代皇帝的庙号、姓名、年号、在位年数,并计算每朝以北京为都城的时间。但此书文字粗略,其结论也值得商榷。 |
322 | Beijing ming sheng hui tan 北京名勝匯談 Year: 1912 |
327 | Beijing de san bai liushi hang 北京的三百六十行 Year: 1920 Author(s): Zhou, Qiliang 周其亮 |
328 | Year: 1926 Author(s): Jin, Xiaomei 金嘯梅 |
329 | Beiping shi tong ji lan yao 北平市統計覽要 Year: 1936 Author(s): Bei ping shi zheng fu mi shu chu di yi ke tong ji gu 北平市政府秘书处第一科统计股编 |
330 | Year: 1936 Author(s): Wei, Gan 味橄 |
331 | Year: 1939 Author(s): Tao Kangde 陶亢德 |
332 | Beiping li shi shang ping min you shang di ji lue 北平历史上平民游赏地纪略 Year: 1935 Author(s): Jin, Shoushen 金受申 |
333 | San shi nian lai Yanjing suo lu 三十年來燕京瑣錄 Year: 1934 Author(s): Xi, An 習庵 |
345 | Pekin hanjōki. Dai 1-kan 北京繁昌記. 第1卷 Year: 1922 Author(s): Nakano, Kōkan 中野江漢, 1889-1950 |
346 | Dian shi zhai hua bao quan ji 點石齋畫報全集 Year: 1910 |
347 | Scènes de la vie des Hutungs : croquis moeurs pékinoises Year: 1926 Author(s): Bouchot, Jean |
349 | Year: 1937 |
350 | Péking, histoire et description Year: 1902 Author(s): Favier, Alphonse |
351 | Le roman d'une ville interdite. Year: 1930 Author(s): Bredon, Juliet |
352 | Guide du touriste aux monuments religieux de Pékin Year: 1923 Author(s): Planchet, J -M |
353 | Year: 1934 Author(s): Casseville, Henry |
355 | Year: 1902 Author(s): Mumm, Alfons; Schwarzenstein, Freiherr von |
356 | Year: 1909 Author(s): Yamamoto, Sanshichirō 山本讃七郎 |
358 | Year: 2007 Author(s): Chen, Cai 陈采 |
492 | Baukunst und Landschaft in China: eine Reise durch zwölf Provinzen Year: 1923 Author(s): Boerschmann, Ernst |
493 | Meinen Mitarbeitern in Peking zur freundlichen Erinnerung an ihren Chef Year: 1902 Author(s): Alfons Mumm, von. |
1298 | Zhongguo gu jin di ming da ci dian 中國古今地名大辭典 Year: 1931 |
1300 | Year: 2001 Author(s): Zhang Zhiqiang 張志强, Chen Li 陳 利, Gao Feng 高 鋒, Zhang Ligong 張立功 (eds.) |
1387 | Year: 1900 Author(s): Laribe, Firmin (1855-1942) |
1410 | Year: 1906 Author(s): Ogawa, Kazumasa 小川一真 (1860-1930) |
1536 | Hokushin meishō 北清名勝 The views in North China Year: 1903 Author(s): Fujii, Hikogorō 藤井彦五郎 |