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ID Name Repository Type 
2Library of Congress - Map DivisionLibrary
9Institut d'Asie OrientaleResearch Institution
39Harvard Yenching Library (of the Harvard College Library)Library
45Earth Sciences and Map Library, University of California, BerkeleyLibrary
56East Asian Library, Stanford UniversityLibrary
58Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections [Branner], Stanford UniversityLibrary
59Hoover InstitutionLibrary
63University of ChicagoResearch Institution
68Sidney D. Gamble FoundationPrivate collection
80National Diet Library (Japan)Library
92Beijing Municipal Archives 北京市檔案館Undefined
93Harvard University, Pusey LibraryLibrary
94Academia Sinica - Fu Sinian Library 中央研究院傅斯年圖書館Library
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