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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

9947Child wearing a hat with animal-face motif

9948Child wearing a hat with animal-face motif

9949Child wearing a hat with animal-face motif

9950Child wearing a hat with animal-face motif

9951Child wearing a hat with animal-face motif

9953Child wearing a hat with animal-face motif

9954Child wearing a hat with animal-face motif

9967Child wearing an embroidered hat

9972Child wearing a fringed hat with embroidery

9973Child wearing a hat and a pendant

9974Child wearing a fringed hat with embroidery

9975Child wearing embroidered hat decorated with the figure of a bird

9985Candy vendor with his box of supplies attaching candy to a bamboo stick

9986Candy vendor removing candy from a mold

10062City street with produce stand and bicycle and rickshaw traffic

10450Candy vendor with box of equipment playing metal gong called a tang luo to attract a crowd

10451Candy vendor with box of equipment and candy molds

10452Candy vendor with box of equipment making candy with a mold

10453Cake molds displayed at a market

10454Cake molds displayed at a market

10455Cake molds in the form of a Buddha figure displayed at a market

10474Carved and painted shop sign with animal figures, candle, and inscription

10519Candy vendor striking a gong called a luo to attract customers

10520Candy vendor blowing candy into the form of a bird

10521Candy vendor with display of blown candy and caged bird

10636Copper sign of a Muslim candy vendor

10639Candy vendor with cart

10640Copper sign of a Muslim candy vendor

10838Cook working at a stove

10916Cook at an oven roasting a Peking duck

10988Carpet weaver working at his loom

10989Candy vendor with display of molded candy forms striking a gong called a luo or qiu tang ren di to attract customers

10990Candy vendor at his stand attaching molded candy to a bamboo stick

10992Candy vendor molding a piece of candy into the form of an animal

10993Candy vendor shaping candy

10994Candy vendor blowing candy

10995Candy vendor at his stand making blown candy

10996Candy vendor stretching candy

10997Candy vendor blowing candy into the form of an animal

11014Chenille flowers and basket with tassle

11031Carpet on a loom

11033Carpet makers trimming a carpet with scissors

11061Children watching a man painting paper-cuts

11068Courtyard of a paper-making shop with donkey harnessed to a grindstone, baskets of paper scraps, and boy hanging paper on a wall to dry

11069Courtyard of a paper-making shop showing grindstone with paper pulp and roller

11093Customer buying tracery candy from a candy vendor at his stand

11209Curbside altar with hanging scroll set up in front of a paint and dye shop during a funeral

11211Children dressed in white carrying paper snow willows and banners and passing through a city gateway in a funeral procession

11234Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin in funeral procession

11235Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin in funeral procession

11236Coffin-bearers lifting coffin off the ground in a funeral procession

11245Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin with wreaths of paper flowers during funeral procession

11246Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin with wreaths of paper flowers through city gate during funeral procession

11249Coffin-bearers carrying draped coffin in funeral procession

11251Coffin-bearers carrying a simple coffin in a funeral procession

11252Coffin-bearers carrying a coffin in a funeral procession outside a city

11471Carved stone ritual objects and sacrificial burner at Gang Tie miao

11478Ci shou si ta

11479Ci shou si ta

11690Child sitting on a crate in front of a shop
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© 2012/2017 IrAsia - Projet Director: Feng Yi
Site created by Gérald Foliot - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
The site is part of the Virtual Cities Project: Beijing - Hankou - Saigon - Shanghai - Suzhou - Tianjin - Wenzhou - Zhejiang

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